URL is optional: in case you leave the field blank, nothing will happen when end users click on it (example: chapter nodes).
•ImageIndex defines the icon to be displayed in the contents tree. Click on the '...' button to select an icon visually from the default icon list.
•Open ImageIndex defines the icon to be displayed when the entry is selected by the user in the TOC, or when the entry has children that are visible. Generally, ImageIndex and Open ImageIndex have the same value, except for chapter nodes.
•Target: optional, indicates the frame target for the TOC entry. It can be a special HTML Executable target.
•Expanded: shows subentries under the heading at startup.
•Visibility HEScript function: for advanced users only. Reference to a Boolean HEScript function that defines whether the TOC entry is visible or not. See dynamically updating the TOC.
You can import custom images and associate them to the TOC entries. In the node editor, select the ImageIndex property and click the '...' button to open the SVG Image Manager:
Click "Add" and select the image file you want to import. It must be in SVG format.
The Table of Contents can be used to define a browse sequence.
You can modify the TOC at runtime thanks to HEScript: see the Dynamically updating the TOC page.