HTML Executable Help
HTML Executable Help

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Starting a new project





Starting a new ebook or publication project with HTML Executable involves several quick and easy steps.


  To create a project file, select New Project in the Application menu after clicking  (or click Start a new publication project in the toolbar) and this window will appear:



This window is called the New Publication wizard: it will assist you in the creation of your new project and it gives you advice about the different steps you need to follow.


HTML Executable stores all of its settings (the project) in a file called project file (file extension: .hepx). You can use the Open/Save buttons in the main window's bar to open or save project files at any time. But before that, you need to create a new project.


  There are four remaining steps that we will describe below.


1) Selecting the source folder of your website


The source folder is the folder that contains all files that compose your website. HTML Executable will consider it as the root of your website: it will become the root of your publication / ebook, and all the files inside this folder and its subdirectories (if any) will be automatically added to the publication when the project is being created. You can, of course, add/remove files later if you wish.


The directory structure of your website is stored in the publication: the source folder is set as the root of the publication/website. File paths will be stored relative to this source folder so links between HTML pages will work exactly as if you were navigating through a website on a server (see virtual paths). You can consider a compiled publication as a server.


2) Choose the index page of your publication


The index page is the first page that is displayed to your end users when the publication is run. It is considered the Home page (it will be displayed when end users click the Home button).


HTML Executable lists all files available in the source folder and you have to select which HTML page (or PDF file) you want to set as the index page. An HTML file inside a subfolder is accepted.


It is possible to choose a PDF document as the homepage, but this is recommended only if you want to convert a single PDF file to a secure ebook ("PDF to EXE").


3) Options for your ebook


HTML Executable allows you to completely customize the interface of your publication and ebook application. This step lets you choose the GUI theme you want for it. You can change it later.


Browser with classic toolbar and menubar (classical look)

Browser with ribbon and application menu button (more modern look)

Browser only: no other pre-defined Ul item (for instance, you already have a UI defined in your HTML app).


Moreover, you can enable the secure built-in PDF viewer or not (this can be enabled/disabled later).


4) Last step: output settings


You have specify the path to the publication / ebook .exe file that will be output by HTML Executable. It must be a full path including directory, filename and extension. You can select it by clicking the Browse button. It is recommended that you do not put your output .exe file in the source folder, but rather in a different directory. Ensure that the destination directory is writeable. give a title to your publication. The title will appear on all dialog and message boxes displayed to end users as well as in the Windows task bar. HTML Executable should have parsed your index page and read the value of the <TITLE> HTML tag if any. You can of course choose a different title.


IMPORTANT: if your title contains a quote (`"`) character, be sure to replace it by two quotes `""` in order to avoid script compilation errors.


Finally, click Finish to create your project.


HTML Executable will then prepare a blank project, configure all settings by default and automatically add files from the source folder. It generally takes a few seconds depending on the number of files you have in your source folder.


When it is ready, the "Main Window" page is displayed: you are ready to edit your project and you can also immediately compile it if you wish by clicking  at the top (or press F9).


  How to Customize the Main Window


  Using the file manager