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This guide will walk you through the process to extend your HTML Executable application by importing procedures and functions from external DLL files.
The Objective 🎯
The script engine in HTML Executable allows you to import procedures and functions from external DLL files, enabling you to extend your publication by calling your own DLL functions.
Importing a DLL function in HEScript is accomplished using the `external` keyword.
The syntax for importing a DLL function is as follows:
function functionName(arguments): resultType; [callingConvention]; external "libName.dll" [name 'ExternalFunctionName'];
For instance, the following declaration:
function MyFunction(arg: integer): integer; external 'CustomLib.dll';
imports a function called `MyFunction` from `CustomLib.dll`. The default calling convention, if not specified, is `register`.
HEScript allows you to declare a different calling convention (`stdcall`, `register`, `pascal`, `cdecl` or `safecall`) and to use a different name for the DLL function, like the following declaration:
function MsgBox(hWnd: Pointer; lpText, lpCaption: String; uType: Cardinal): Integer; stdcall; external "user32.dll" name 'MessageBoxW';
This imports the `MessageBoxW` function from `User32.dll` (Windows API library), named `MsgBox` to be used in the script, like:
procedure TestDLL;
S: String;
S := InputBox("What do you want to show?", "Query", "");
MsgBox(0, S, "You entered:", MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION);
⚠ Please note that pointer and out parameters are not handled by the script engine. |