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HTML Executable offers the unique capability to create portable versions of your publications and ebooks. With a portable publication:
ØNo installation is required, your publication is stored on a removable device such as a USB flash drive/stick, enabling it to be used on multiple computers.
ØUser preferences and publication settings are stored with the software (i.e., they are written to the USB drive). Thus, your users will keep their preferences even if they start the publication on another PC. The Windows registry is not used.
Portable publications create one or two data file(s) at least in addition to their EXE file:
ØThe state file (user preferences, global variables...) is named: `[name of the EXE].userpref`
ØThe license file (trial and registration information) is named: `[name of the EXE].license`
These files are saved in the same folder as the EXE file. Consequently, the storage device should not be read-only. If the publication is unable to write the files in the same folder as its EXE file, it will use the default location on the hard disk. The default location is a subfolder in the User Data directory that you may customize.
If you don't want the publication to write the state file, enable "Do not create a user preference file". This is useful if nothing should be written to the storage device.
If you do not create a portable version, you may now specify the name of the folder where a publication should store its settings. By default, it will be a subfolder in the User Data directory. You can obtain the full path at runtime from the global variable HEPubStorageLocation.
ℹ️ You can explore the local storage folder by clicking the corresponding button.
⚠ Warning: Avoid using expiration features for a portable publication. In fact, portable publications store their settings on the USB disk. Consequently, trial settings are saved on the disk too: an end user could easily reset his trial period by removing the settings files. For portable publications, you should forbid the entire access or use Security Profiles to partially lock your publication. |
Want to lock a Portable Publication to a Specific USB Disk?