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The "Menu Button" component displays a top-left App Menu Button that should replace the menu bar. It lets your end users access various commands such as page printing, navigation tools or help information of your ebook.
On the screenshot above, the app menu button is named "PDF Demo". This can be changed thanks to the MenuButtonCaption property below.
To enable/disable the menu button, set MenuButtonVisible to false.
{{% notice warning %}} IMPORTANT: some skins DO NOT support displaying the menu button, so even if MenuButtonVisible is set to true, the menu button will not be rendered. This is not a bug but a lack of the skin you selected. {{% /notice %}}
You can add your own menu items to the menu displayed by the App Menu button thanks to the menu editor (click Edit).
List of properties:
•BackButtonImgIndex: number of the image in the SVG list to be used as the icon for the Navigate Back button (see ShowBackButton also). The icon should represent a left arrow.
•MenuButtonCaption: text to be displayed on the app menu button.
•MenuButtonImgIndex: number of the image in the SVG list to be used as the icon for the Menu button (leave to -1 for no icon).
•MenuButtonVisible: if set to false, the app menu button will be removed.
•MenuButtonWidth: width of the app menu button in pixels.
•ShowBackButton: adds a Navigate Back quick button as in recent Windows versions.