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HTML Executable features an internal HTML editor that allows you to directly edit the source code of HTML pages. This guide will walk you through the process of using this feature.
Opening the Editor
To open the HTML editor, go to the File Manager, select an HTML page, and press Edit Source. The editor will display the HTML code in a text box, with HTML syntax highlighted and line numbers displayed for easy navigation.
The editor also includes a toolbar at the top of the window with standard character and paragraph formatting tools, similar to those found in standard HTML editors. There are also two special buttons that provide access to special commands only available for HTML Executable publications.
Using the Editor
To modify the HTML code, simply make your changes in the text box. Be sure to press OK to confirm your changes; HTML Executable will save the changes back to your HTML file. A backup file with a .~HTM extension can be created for safety.
Special Commands
The HTML editor includes several special commands to enhance your editing experience:
1.Call an HEScript function (link): This button is designed for advanced users working with HEScript scripts. It allows you to insert an HTML link (`<a>`) to call a procedure or a function from an HEScript script. When you click it, HTML Executable will display all of the script functions available in your project. You can then choose which one you want to insert. The result is a normal HTML hyperlink that will call the script function when end users click on it.
2.Adding Images: This command allows you to insert links to graphics into HTML pages. Clicking this button will display a list of available graphic compatible source files. You can select the desired graphic file and the associated HTML code will be inserted. This option can be used to add pictures to the dialog boxes if desired.
For more information about creating HEScript scripts, please go to the User Scripting tab.