Navigation: Learn About All Features > File Manager > Source File List Update |
Generally, when you design your ebook or publication, source files may vary: you can add new files to the source folder, update existing ones or even remove non-used ones. In other words, the contents of the source folder may vary and consequently the file list kept by HTML Executable may be outdated.
You can therefore use the Update button:
This action forces HTML Executable to scan the source folder (and its subfolders) and to detect all changes that happened. It then compares results and determines the appropriate actions to take:
Øif new files are found (not in the file lists), they are added. You can optionally be prompted to specify the new virtual paths (see the Environment Options).
Øif some source files are newer, HTML Executable updates its file lists.
Øif some source files are not found (you could have deleted them), they are removed from the file lists. You can also be prompted to confirm the operation (see the Environment Options).
You consequently do not need to manage the file lists manually yourself.
There are several ways to cause a File List update:
Øclick the Update button in the File Manager.
Øpress F6 or select "Edition|Automatic Source File List Update..." in the Application Menu button .
Øconfigure automatic File List updates using the Environment Options (when a project is loaded, compiled; or enable source folder monitoring...).
•The File List Update only takes account of files in the source folder (or subfolders)! If you have files from other folders, the operation will ignore them.
•You can exclude some files from being added to the file list (based on their extension): go to the Environment Options.