You can customize your HTML Executable environment through setting global options, default settings, and miscellaneous properties for your HTML Executable projects. Let's review them.
You can access the Environment Options dialog box by clicking File and selecting the "Environment Options" menu command.
General Options
ØCreate a file backup when an HTML page is modified: If you edit an HTML file using the internal HTML editor, HTML Executable can backup the original file before saving the changes back to the file. The backup filename will be the same except that the extension is changed to .BAK. Recommended.
ØDirectly add files to publication using the relative path: When new files are being added manually or using the Source File List Update, HTML Executable can prompt you to specify the publication virtual path for these files, or automatically find the best virtual path and use it. This option lets you disable the prompt and lets HTML Executable decide itself for the virtual paths. However, it is NOT recommended: it is better to keep an eye on how files can be accessed in the publication at runtime.
ØArchive cache: compare file date-times when compiling: an additional option for the archive caching feature. HTML Executable only compresses files again when they were modified or the source file lists were updated; if this option is enabled, it stores the file date-times when it compresses them for the first time. For next builds, it then compares the file date-times with the stored ones. If a pair is different, then it will compress all source files again. This option is highly recommended.
ØDo not show Windows notifications after build: HTML Executable displays a system notification when a build has finished. Use this option if you want to avoid that behavior.
ØDisable multi-core compression: use this option if you have troubles while compiling your ebook.
ØUse CEF multi-core compression: for users with strong hardware computers, you can activate this option to speed up the CEF compression.
ØClear CEF runtimes cache: to speed compilation up, the Chromium Embedded Framework and PHP Runtime files are compressed once and stored in HTML Executable's cache for reuse. If source files were modified, you have to clear the cache.
ØManage Update Checks: lets you start the Web Update utility or configure automatic update checks.
Default Settings
These settings will be used each time you start a new project.
ØAuthor Name/Company Name: Enter your full name or even your company name.
ØWeb Homepage: Enter the URL to your Web site.
ØDefault Copyright Sentence: Enter the default copyright information for your packages.
ØDefault Auto-Open Extensions: The list with all the file extensions that the application should open in their external viewer application by temporarily extracting the file and launching the associated application to view it. Only files not supported by the Chromium display engines should be listed, such as Microsoft Office files. Please note, the files are temporarily extracted to the hard drive and are therefore no longer secure.
Default Files
These files will be used each time you start a new project.
ℹ Note: The default language file must exist! If the default language file is not found, HTML Executable will try to use the one in its program folder. If this one does not exist too, an error will occur. |
Source File List Update
Additional options for the Source File List Update operation
ØAutomatically remove non-existing files: When turned on, HTML Executable automatically removes missing files from source file lists (a file is missing if it is not found on the hard disk at the place it should be). Otherwise, you will be prompted. Note that this will also remove the properties associated with this file, but not the possible references (in the TOC for instance).
ØMonitor the source folder for changes: If turned on, HTML Executable will use the Windows Shell extensions to monitor if some changes happen to the root folder and its subdirectories. If something has happened, the entire file lists will be rebuilt (and the File Manager refreshed). If turned off, file lists are updated only when a live folder update occurs.
ØPerform a file list update when a project is loaded: The source folder will be scanned for changes and file lists will be refreshed as soon as the project has been loaded.
ØPerform a file list update when a project is compiled: The source folder will be scanned for changes and file lists will be refreshed just before the compilation of the publication really starts.
Exclude Files
You can also exclude files based on their file extension, like executables, projects, backups, and other types of files. Just add the extension(s) you wish to the list.
ØYou should exclude all files associated with HTML Executable: projects (HEPX), languages (HEL), backups (BAK), skins (SKN)...
ØIf you want to exclude a single file from the compilation, you can set this in the File Properties dialog box.
Code Signing
This page has options related to code signing, please refer to the dedicated code signing topic.
The code signing utility used by HTML Executable requires an Internet connection in order to timestamp the publication's signature. It will use the two URLs defined to contact the timestamp servers.
Two timestamp servers are used: an Authenticode-compatible server and a RFC-3161-compatible server. You can configure their URLs or use the default ones provided by HTML Executable by clicking the buttons near the fields.